Pieris chumbiensis

Chumbi White
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Arthropoda
Class: Insecta
Order: Lepidoptera
Family: Pieridae
Genus: Pieris
Species: Pieris chumbiensis

P. dubernardi chumbiensis de Nicéville, 1897

Chumbi White, Pieris chumbiensis earlier considered a race of P. dubernardi[1]is a small butterfly of the Family Pieridae, that is, the Yellows and Whites, which is found in the Chumbi Valley in Sikkim in India.



Male upperside ground colour is white. Fore wing has veins black, costal and terminal margins narrowly, apex more broadly, black ; the inner margin of the black at apex forms an even curve; a large round black spot in middle of interspace 3, the lower discocellular edged on either side with black and the base of the wing irrorated with black scales. Hind wing : with a dark greyish appearance due to the dark markings of the underside that show through by transparency; veins black ; a black costal spot a little before the apex, and the base of the wing heavily irrorated with black scales. Underside: fore wing white, veins edged with black scaling, the round black spot in interspace 3 as on the upperside; apex and terminal margin suffused w ith yellow that decreases posteriorly on the latter. Hind wing: yellow, all the veins very broadly edged with black that gives an appearance of streaks to the groundcolour; precostal area edged with deep cadmium-yellow. Antennae, head, thorax and abdomen fuscous black. Female undescribed.[2]

Wing expanse of 54-58 mm.


  1. ^ catalogue of life
  2. ^ Bingham, C. T. 1907 Fauna of British India. Butterflies. Volume 2

See also